mercredi 12 mai 2010

Sofia, Bulgaria

So I am now in Bulgaria, after another eventful night in a train. They really like to wake you up at the borders you see. At least this time we got the impression they were actually trying to do their jobs.

I met two cool americans from upstate NY who told me how they had tried to go visit England but had been turned away by the border police because they thought they were coming in to stay and work illegaly. If you count the facts taht I had that famous retinal scan in order to get my visa (which costed me 260$ by the way), that they tried to deport Mr.Cham and now this, we can safely say: worst border police ever!

Sofia seems like a very nice city, I think I will enjoy my short stay here. I will walk around for a while and meet with my host later this evening. I am also discovering the joys of a new alphabet! As if the greek one was not confusing enough, I did not even use THIS one in maths and physics classes!

So far people have been polite and helpful if only a bit hopeful that I would throw money around...

Anyway, thanks for reading,


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