jeudi 21 avril 2011

Los Angeles

So here I am in L.A., with palm trees and cheap fast food, under the sun but at only 18 degrees, it's a life I could get used to! The flight went very well, the meals were excellent (best lamb I've had in a while!) and I was able to get a few hours of sleep!

I am now back on the home continent and it feels great not to have 16h off from most of my friends and family. Of course, those I left in Melourne, Sydney and Brisbane are now a world away but I have a feeling I'll see them sooner or later.

My host was very nice in Auckland and those I have here are very friendly and are film makers! They all studied in Boston so they are familiar with Montreal and travelled a lot in the US and Canada. Very useful to talk to isn't it?

Thanks for reading, I'm off to the beach,


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