vendredi 6 août 2010

Lost my job

I got to work today and I found five people emptying the shop into vans before the sherif could get there to change the locks and kick us out. I helped a little but it was clear that my job was leaving before me. Five weeks I stayed there. Damned. I guess I have to find something else. Soon.

Too bad, I was very good at this, I sold a lot honestly to people with actual needs. I start again in a day or so, to apply for 20 of so jobs a day. With some luck I will find something within a week.

Otherwise, we found a nice place to go dancing and singing as well as not too expenseive to drink. How are you kids?

Thanks for reading,


1 commentaire:

  1. vraiment pas de chance. Il fait beau dans le Gers. Nous partons au bord de l'Océan pour le week-end.
    Bon courage pour la suite
