mardi 31 août 2010

Spring again

I have the joy of knowing that here, it's considered Spring on the first of September. Not officially but at least it's starting to feel like it. I could start to simply wear my jacket outside!

So, one more day to go and it might feel like I can see the end of these winters! And maybe it will be time to start running outside, we have quite a few nice parks and small roads that would be amazing to explore at 12km/h while pretending I get into shape!

Also, I am starting to write a little, only short stories for now but I might try to put this trip into a more complete story. We will just have to wait and see how I feel about it. After all, I managed to NOT get into many "how will he get out of this one" situations didn't I? Good for my health but bad for the movie adaptation I guess...

Thanks for reading,


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