dimanche 24 octobre 2010

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIII BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!

So we were in a car accident two nights ago. My housemate Jodi and I were coming back from getting fish and chips and were waiting to be able to turn bak into our driveway went a guy breaked way to late and ended up hitting us from behind. I was lucky enough to hear him coming so I go all my scare in that half second. The rest was helping a little with problem solving.

Jodi's car pretty much needs a new bumper and maybe some internal work the trunk but is otherwise perfectly drivable. The poor smuck who hit us lost a light but I guess that as long as everyone is alright we could do a lot worse.

I am working 4-5 days a week now, it's not great but at least I hope to be able to live (very) modestly from it!

Now to look at fruit picking for the new year...

Thanks for reading,


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