mercredi 17 février 2010

18 days to go

In 18 little tiny days, I will be off to Australia, by way of land and sea. It should take me five months, including some buffer in case of delays. I will try to find work on boats alond the way, to couchsurf as much as possible, to sleep outside when safe, to eat from cans, to see as much as I can, etc

It terrifies me! But again, I suppose it will be memorable and it will finaly make me grow up a bit and be serious about my life. Not that I don't know what ?I will do when I come back to Montreal but the why is much more complicated.

I finalised my Australian work visa this morning, only two to go! Algerian first then Russian ASAP. Should be fun......%$^&%*!!!

In final daily news: Vincent is alive and well! So that means we can relax a bit more, if only to wish him a good few days off work since most trains are paralysed in this area!

Thanks for reading,


1 commentaire:

  1. I hope you realise the outcome of this might not be the one you imagine : you could get adopted by a kangaroo family, or get abducted by a bunch of charming Aussie girls!
