mardi 16 février 2010

You're a sexist!

I went back to the Free Word Center last Friday, to meet with some friends and say hello to my former customers. I was then invited to a farewell party mixed with a birthday party. Good times all around.

Then we started talking politics, mostly about Sarah Palin and the American election. I know, I know, you would have thought that in a left-wing, pro-human rights haven, bashing on the woman who refused to comdemn the bombings of abortion clinics would be a walk in the park right?

Right actually. In general. But then came the subject of sexism. That Palin and Clinton had been victims of horrible sexist attacks. Again: like saying the ocean might be wet. So yes, we all agreed and blablabla...until we started debating if it had changed the outcome of the election.

I was pointing out that it would mean that sexism in America was much more important than racism, since both of theses women were up against...a black guy!

One person didn't like that.

Now, MAYBE I made some few poor choices of word at some point (don't remember any but it my have happened and caused all of this without me noticing!) but I was first asked to shut up because I didn't know anything about anything (I had a special t-shirt on with my CV on it you see, so everyone knew my background!). Then that same person ended up saying that I was a sexist but of course would not explain.

Yeah. Classy.

Insulted? You bet!

Anyway, thanks for reading,


1 commentaire:

  1. Of these delicate topics, some people cannot discuss rationnaly. Don't worry, be happy.
