lundi 6 septembre 2010

No luck

Seems like my visa is starting to get me into trouble. Nobody wants to go through the trouble of hiring someone for a maximum de six months. I went for my interview and discovered that they were looking fo an asistant manager. But it was for a few years...

Yeah, I guess I'll need to start pretending I love Australia so much I want to spend my life here and raise a family. Easier said than done after all so they will understand when I leave saying it is not as marvelous as I thought? I hope so.

I am still reading (Honor Harrington is still a great science-fiction series if you can stomach Weber's political views) but I also have to compete with the weather to go apply for jobs. I should look into umbrellas and forecasts...

Thanks for reading,


1 commentaire:


    D'ailleurs, tu me feras signe quand tu auras terminé les webber, j'ai encore 2-3 trucs pour toi ;)

    Hang in there !

