lundi 27 septembre 2010


I went and visited two campuses in Melbourne last week.

La Trobe university is only 45 minutes away from my house (on foot) and is a very interresting place, with some of the research on volunterring and biosciences looking like a great contribution.

The University of Melbourne was equaly captivating but they also have....a departement of History and Philosophy of Science! Yay! I asked one professor if I could stay at one of his classes today. I shall simply sit in the back and listen to a lecture on history of science. I miss that.

Otherwise I am still looking for a job and stepped on my pride to apply at places like McDonald's and KFC. I have to. I am also going to an interview tomorrow at an Italian restaurant to help with events. I can do that right? I served champagne to Terry Pratchet!

Thanks for reading,


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