samedi 25 juillet 2009

Freeze ray needs work

For those of you who don't get the reference, here's a link to Dr.Horrible's sing along blog:

So, the plan didn't work. To bad, but it was a long shot anyway.

Things are a bit crazy at work: two people left this week, meaning I'm currently considered experienced compared to the new people with a heavy three weeks under my belt.

Otherwise, I think I am now used to the London transport system: busses are the solution but you must be informed ( and a bit lucky). On the other hand, the trains always seem to have a problem or two...

Well, take care, and thanks for reading,


1 commentaire:

  1. It's a bright new day
    And the sun is shining
    All the birds are singing
    It's a bright new daaaaaaaaaaaay...
