samedi 15 mai 2010

Forgot to blog about: Spannish police

I was on my way to Malaga from Barcelonna in a night bus that should take 17 hours to get me there and enjoying a few cozy hours of sleep when someone patted me on the shoulder. I woke up and opened my eyes to see a police badge!

A police officer then started to speak very quickly to me in Spannish to which I responded by "No hablo espagnol?" He then switched to English with
-Where are you from?
-Montreal, Canada
-Where are you from?
-(...huh...) Canada?
-Passport please
(Give him my passport)
(He looks at it)
-Thank you, have a good evening
(Gives it back)

Is it Arizona? Was I suspected to be an illegal imigrant?

Thanks for reading,


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