samedi 1 mai 2010


So I am in Greece, after the best boat ride in my life. I got to leave Venice by going through it with the ferry, which is an amazing sight from the top deck and then to look a dozens of great islands in the Adriatic sea. We stopped twice and had two gorgeous days without a cloud.

Venice was as interesting as advertised wih the canals and the architecture. I had a great night at the hostel with travelers like me from everywhere around the world meeting with a beer to discuss travel plans and stories.

Now let's hope that I manage to meet my CS host. If not it will be a looong night.

Thanks for reading,


1 commentaire:

  1. J'ai vu Patras en 2007... Très beau!!! Impresssionnant ton projet Renaud! Je reviendrai lire ton blog asteure que je sait qu'il existe lol!!
    Bon Voyage!!
