mardi 25 août 2009

Ghost flat

Did-you know that since I got back from Cambridge, I did not see ANY of my remaining flatmates? Not once. No one. Creeeeeeeepy!

I get back, almost have to stop a fight in the chicken shop next to my flat between a few young thugs and the employee there, then go back home to one. Almost two days later, I sincerely hope to have a conversation tonight because it can get a little unerving to leave home, go to work, and then get sleep? Repeat?

Wow. Then again, I should also go sign up at the local library to take a few good books out so...


Thanks for reading,


1 commentaire:

  1. We are 6 billion on this planet, may those moments be short blessings to your inner peace! Heheheh

    Don't worry Renaud, you're NEVER alone on this small planet! :)
