vendredi 2 avril 2010


I'm in Marrakesh, after another night in the bus from Tanger. Kind of the worst one yet. Marrakesh is not as nice as Tanger yet, but I'm mostly comparing the medinas (old cities) and not the "new stuff". I also have to find an hotel and I think it will be a lot more expensive (around 100 dirams : +- 13 bucks compared to 60 dirams in Tanger).

I will after that go back north to reach a port city and start talking to cargo captains. Hope it'll work.

Wait wait wait, forgot to tell yu how I got to Tanger. I left Barcelona on Tuesday afternoon on a bus that took 17 hours to get me to Malaga. I walked around the city for a while and decided to board a bus for Algerciras later in the afternoon. I then started to meet english people who where on a hitchhicking trip to Marrakesh from England for charity. Lots of them. They explained a little how the ferry worked to Africa and I decided to board from Algerciras on the night itself. It took us a looong time to leave but it was great after that! I'm not seasick by the way.

I met other new friends on the boat itself, including frenchpeople Sylvain and Chrystelle who showed me around the medina of Tanger on the first night. We found an hotel and spent yesterday visiting the city and going to the beach. The beach is dirty by the way: big time.

Anyway, more news tomorrow, thanks for reading,


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