mercredi 17 mars 2010

Forgot to blog about: Rallye in London

So, starting from 10h25 in Kilburn I licked:

11h25: Chelsea Stadium.

12h05: Harod's.

12h25: Princess Diana's memorial.

13h05: Buckingham Palace's Gate.

13h30: Big Ben.

13h35: House of Commons.

13h43: London Eye.

14h10: Trafalgar Monument.

14h30: Fountain in the middle of Piccadilly Circus.

14h45: a street performer in Covent Garden.

15h01: Londonjob (the agency we had hired in London, more about them later)

15h12: British museum.

15h43: Madalme Tussaud's.

15h46 BONUS: Sherlock Holmes Statue at Baker Street. I originally wanted to lick a bobby but a few police officers got into trouble in the past for letting people play jokes like that so I didn't want to put anyone into any kind of bad situation.

16h01: King's Cross station.

18h15: O2 Arena.

18h45: London Bridge.

19h05: Tower of London.

19h40: The Fabric.

19 out of 19. Perfect score!

Thanks for reading,


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