jeudi 4 mars 2010

Rushes and last minute thingies

Hello everyone!

I am running left and right to finish all the stuff I want done before I leave:

-Buying equipment.
-Doing the rally
-Going to Greenwich
-Saying goodbye to all my friends
-Sleeping a lot
-Preparing couchsurfing ahead of time

Some of it is easy, some of it is harder than I thought. Overall, it is a lot of work that is going to pay off later in the trip. I have my ticket on the transiberian, my visas, most of my stuff, only a few nights not taken care of and a lot of anticipation.

Not that I am not scared. I take this very seriously and will keep eyes on the back of my head but I can't let it spoil the fun of adventuring!

Thanks for reading,


1 commentaire:

  1. There you go, you wrote the key word : "fun".
    The present moment never returns, so better enjoy it! :)
