mardi 9 mars 2010

New friends and less of the other ones

I said goodbye to another friend yesterday, after a wonderful day around Glasgow, where we walked in the Necropolis, visited the Cathedral, when to a dentist (don't ask) and studied two pubs. It breaks my heart everytime.

But I met my first two hosts for the couchsurfing! Ye! They are delightful and welcoming and very good at it! It is very reassuring to know I will meet good people on this adventure.

On another note: I visited the University of Glasgow and the relevant museums and I am on my way to try a Caledonian Beer to complete a quest given to me in Montreal. I will probably go meet a few old men I was introduced to yesterday by my lovely guide.

Tanks for reading,


P.S. At the exit of a museum yesterday, an employee asked us the first two letters of our post code to know where the visitors were from. She gave hers and I mispronounced "J" so instead of J3Y it sounded like G3Y. The guy stopped listening to me because I had given the post code of... Glasgow!

1 commentaire:

  1. Yeah, the english J (djay) is the french G (djé) and the english G (djee) is the french J (dji). Confusing, indeed.
